Clock Settings
Top realtime dial
* Posse time
-3 -1 +1 +3 hrs
-30 -15 +15 +30 min
* Role countdown
Bottom realtime dial
* Local time
* Free Roam countdown
Left realtime dial
* Daily's & Mme Nazar countdown
* Left Timer
Right realtime dial
* Collectibles countdown
* Right Timer
Main gametime dial
* Moonshine Buyer countdown
* Alarm - no alarm
-3 -1 +1 +3 hrs
-10 -1 +1 +10 min
Other Settings
Event Language
* English
* Deutsch
Time Formats
Alarm Sounds
* Game Clock Alarm
* Timer Alarms
Sound Mode
* No sound
* Bell once
* Bell n times
* Animal sounds
Sound Sequence
* Every 12 hours
* Every 6 hours
* Every 3 hours
* Every hour
Close Settings
Posse Time
Local Time



Adjust Gametime

Set Default

About Red Dead Online Clock

Plan ahead

Red Dead Online Clock calculates the game time of every session of Red Dead Online. Now you can know in advance at what time of day you will land in a session.

You no longer need to pop up the HUD to know the time. You can run Red Dead Online Clock on your computer screen or any mobile device at any time. A quick glance will do.

Analog period clock

Red Dead Online Clock is loosly based on the period pocket watch you carry around in the game. The traditional small dial showing the seconds is replaced by a real time clock showing your local time.

Game date

Every 24 hours real time consist of 30 game days. Red Dead Online Clock counts those "game dates" from 00:00 hours UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time).

Free Roam and Role schedules and countdowns

Red Dead Online Clock contains 24 hours real time schedules of all Freeroam and Role events. You can also activate visual countdowns to the next uocoming event in the local and/or posse time dial (see settings).

Event countdown fases explained

Reset countdown fases explained

Fine-tune the clock

The game servers or the device you are using can be a fraction out of sync with UTC internet time. Usually no more than few seconds. That translates into one or two minutes game time. If that bothers you, you can fine-tune the clock time with the [-] and [+] buttons in the bottom corners of the main screen.

Sound options and alarm

Disclaimer: Sounds may not work on all OS and browser combinations. If you are experiencing sound issues, you can let me know via the email address below. Please include your OS and browser names and versions.

Red Dead Online Clock has different sound options. You can choose from a single bell chime on the hour, chimes counting the hours or animal sounds. And you can choose whether sounds are played every hour, every 3 hours, every 6 hours or every 12 hours.

You can set an alarm that will then go off every 24 hours. The alarm also gives a visual cue.

You can set an alarm that will then go off every 24 hours. The alarm also gives a visual cue.

URL parameters (obsolete)

Settings are now stored in a document cookie.

Feedback and suggestions

If you experience any issues running Red Dead Online Clock, or is you have a feature request, you can contact me at:


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